On technical woes related to your newsletter

We all have them occasionally.

If (when?) you’re pulling your hair out trying to get a technical situation sorted out when it comes to your newsletter, here is my advice:

First: Are you making this harder than it needs to be? 

You don’t NEED fancy automations. You don’t NEED a branded template. You don’t NEED images in your newsletters.

Can you simply write a normal email in a document and paste it into a blank email within your email service provider?

If so, do that, and click send.

Second: If you’re having a tech issue getting set up or changing to a new platform – especially one-time situations like getting your domain authenticated or connecting your website and your newsletter subscribe form – just go ahead and hire someone to help you.

What will take you 4 hours will often take someone who knows what they’re doing 4 minutes.

Try UpWork. I swear that there is someone for almost any tech woe on that site.

The most important things about your newsletter are that it sounds like you and that you send it regularly.

The more it looks like a regular email that you’d send to a colleague rather than a promotion for a Labor Day clothing sale, the better.

Keep it simple and skip the tech stress if you can.



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