July's Notable Quote for Newsletter Writers

with Claire Dederer

This month’s notable quote is from Claire Dederer’s book, Monsters: A Fan’s Dilemma:

Consuming a piece of art is two biographies meeting: the biography of the artist that might disrupt the viewing of the art; the biography of the audience member that might shape the viewing of the art. This occurs in every case.

Claire Dederer

First, I highly recommend the book if you’ve ever struggled with the idea of whether or not it’s okay to love glorious art made by an awful artist.

Second, and not related at all to the first point, while many of us don’t necessarily think of our newsletters as art, I would argue that newsletters do count as art in the broadest sense. When written with heart and intention, they’re tiny pieces of self-expression sent out into the world.

What I love about this quote is the idea that you truly cannot separate yourself from your art - in this case, your newsletter. No matter how professional you try to sound, your biography is still woven into every element of the message.

This motivates me to lean into my own perspective rather than trying to soften it or cover it up. There’s no sense in trying to be someone else, someone more professional or more successful or more knowledgeable or whatever else.

You may as well show up as your full self, which gives your readers a better feel for who you are and whether you’re a good fit to work together.

Talk soon. Happy writing. Be yourself.


p.s. There are five Tuesdays in July, so the next regular Write Better Letters issue won’t come out for 2 weeks. If you have a question or topic you’d like me to address next week on the 5th Tuesday, please reply or leave a comment 💚

p.p.s. Need some motivation to get writing? Want feedback on your draft? Upgrade to the paid version of this newsletter & attend our monthly newsletter-writing + peer feedback session. We’ll be meeting on August 7 from 12-1:30 pm ET.

p.p.s. Get the notable quote + tips and pep talks for newsletter writers each month when you subscribe to the free version of Write Better Letters 🗞️


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