March Newsletter Topic Ideas + Co-Writing

Hi there.

At the start of each month, I share a few topic ideas for newsletter writers and an invitation to our monthly co-writing/peer feedback session. Co-writing is available for paid subscribers.

Here are a 3 newsletter topic ideas for this month:

  • Write about equinox (March 20) or spring reawakenings and what one or both of these mean to you and/or your clients. Tell a short story to illustrate your point.

  • March is National Nutrition Month, National Kidney Month, and Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Do you have a personal connection to any of these? Pick one and illustrate how it relates to your work/clients with an anonymized case or by sharing your reflections.

  • Spring allergy season is coming up. What do you recommend that clients can do on their own to get ready and support themselves during this time, and when does it make sense to get support from a professional?

March Co-Writing and Peer Feedback

Each month, paid subscribers have access to a live co-writing/peer feedback session + a peer feedback thread for those who want asynchronous feedback. This month’s co-writing session is tomorrow, March 5, from 12-1:30 pm ET.

Subscribe to Premium Membership to read the rest.

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