July Newsletter Topic Ideas + Co-Writing

Hi there.

At the start of each month, I share a few topic ideas for newsletter writers and an invitation to our monthly co-writing/peer feedback session. Co-writing is available for paid subscribers & is happening tomorrow from 12 - 1:30 pm ET.

Here are a 3 newsletter topic ideas for this month:

  • The world feels quite chaotic for many people at this moment in time. Do you have reflections, thoughts, or ideas on how to contribute in positive ways or how to navigate difficult times while tending to yourself and others?

  • June is National Blueberry Month and National Ice Cream Month. Some people take part in Plastic-Free July. We also have World Chocolate Day (July 7), World Emoji Day (July 17), and Moon Day (July 20; Apollo 11 landed on moon). Do you have a personal or professional connection to any of these? Pick one and tell a story about how it relates to the work you do.

  • In July, it may be helpful to share tips or thoughts on hydration and/or electrolyte drinks (pro or con?).

July Co-Writing and Peer Feedback

Each month, paid subscribers have access to a live co-writing/peer feedback session + a peer feedback thread for those who want asynchronous feedback. This month’s co-writing session is tomorrow (Wednesday), July 5 from 12-1:30 pm ET.

During co-writing, we’ll spend about an hour writing/working on newsletters, and an additional half-hour giving and receiving peer feedback. Bring a draft of your newsletter to work on 🖤 (Note that co-writing is not instructional - it’s quiet time to work on your newsletter, followed by 30 min in small groups to give/receive feedback.)

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