August's Notable Quote for Newsletter Writers

with Jon Acuff

This month’s notable quote is short but sweet.

The problem is that perfectionism magnifies your mistakes and minimizes your progress.

Jon Acuff in Finish

Is perfectionism getting in the way of you sending a newsletter regularly?

It helps to think of your newsletter as a give rather than an ask. Even if you can’t send out the perfect newsletter that you originally planned, can you send out something that might be of value to your readers?

A word of encouragement, something to remind them of the beauty that surrounds us, or a quick tip that’s made a difference for you or a client might all be just the thing to change someone’s day.

As I wrote a few months ago, sometimes the newsletters you write and send when time is short and you aren’t sure what to say wind up being the best ones.

Talk soon. Happy writing.


p.s. Need some motivation to get writing? Want feedback on your draft? Upgrade to the paid version of this newsletter & attend our monthly newsletter-writing + peer feedback session. We’ll be meeting on September 4 from 12-1:30 pm ET.

p.s. Get the notable quote + tips and pep talks for newsletter writers each month when you subscribe to the free version of Write Better Letters 🗞️


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