April Newsletter Topic Ideas + Co-Writing

Hi there.

At the start of each month, I share a few topic ideas for newsletter writers and an invitation to our monthly co-writing/peer feedback session. Co-writing is available for paid subscribers.

Here are a 3 newsletter topic ideas for this month:

  • Write about the eclipse next week (April 8) and how you think of it symbolically or literally. If you have a story of viewing an eclipse or plans to view this one, consider sharing more about this with your subscribers.

  • March is National Garden Month, National Poetry Month, and Stress Awareness Month. Do you have a personal or professional connection to any of these? Pick one and illustrate how it relates to your work/clients with an anonymized case or by sharing your reflections.

  • It’s leafy green season. Do you have favorite leafy green recipes to share? Thoughts on spring wild edibles in your neck of the woods? A favorite place to buy seeds or to find gardening/foraging tips? Share resources, thoughts, photos, etc. with your readers.

April Co-Writing and Peer Feedback

Each month, paid subscribers have access to a live co-writing/peer feedback session + a peer feedback thread for those who want asynchronous feedback. This month’s co-writing session is Thursday, April 4 from 12-1:30 pm ET.

During co-writing, we’ll spend about an hour writing/working on newsletters, and an additional half-hour giving and receiving peer feedback. Bring a draft of your newsletter to work on 🖤 (Note that co-writing is not instructional - it’s quiet time to work on your newsletter, followed by 30 min in small groups to give/receive feedback.)

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